Thursday, March 22, 2012

creating a stored procedure-- help

im novice to sqlserver and stored procedures.
Can the php code below be converted to a stored procedure
$query = "Select * From tblNews Order By aOrder";
$result = mysql_query($query,$db_connection);
$NoRows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($NoRows != 0 )
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$UpdateQuery = "Update tblNews
Set aOrder= $y
Where ID=".$row["ID"];
basically, i want select all from tblNews, order by aOrder
then update aOrder in each record starting at 1 and incrementing by 1
untill all the records have been processed
Can anyone help me please, is it possible
thanks in advance
SteveIf all values in column [aOrder] are diff, then you can try,
update tblNews
set aOrder = (select count(*) from tblNews as a where a.aOrder <=
"ahoy hoy" wrote:

> im novice to sqlserver and stored procedures.
> Can the php code below be converted to a stored procedure
> $y=1;
> $query = "Select * From tblNews Order By aOrder";
> $result = mysql_query($query,$db_connection);
> $NoRows = mysql_num_rows($result);
> if ($NoRows != 0 )
> {
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
> {
> $UpdateQuery = "Update tblNews
> Set aOrder= $y
> Where ID=".$row["ID"];
> mysql_query($UpdateQuery,$db_connectio
> $y++;
> }
> }
> basically, i want select all from tblNews, order by aOrder
> then update aOrder in each record starting at 1 and incrementing by 1
> untill all the records have been processed
> Can anyone help me please, is it possible
> thanks in advance
> Steve
You could use something along the lines of this... (Un-Tested)
Create Proc TestProcedure
As Begin
Declare @.ID Integer
Declare @.NewOrder Integer
Set @.NewOrder = 1
Declare OrderCursor Cursor For
Select ID From tblNews
Order By aOrder
Open OrderCursor
Fetch Next From OrderCursor Into @.ID
While @.@.Fetch_Status = 0
Update tblNews
Set aOrder = @.NewOrder
Where ID = @.ID
Set @.NewOrder = @.NewOrder + 1
Fetch Next From OrderCursor Into @.ID
Close OrderCursor
Deallocate OrderCursor
Although if it is a huge amount of Data and performance is an issue
then I would probably not use a Cursor.
Hope this helps
thank you so much!
i wouldve been trying to figure that out for days, it is exactly what i
Just needed to use the correct field names and rename Interger to Int,
proc to procedure!
Now i can finish my job
Its only for a small amount of data, 10-20 records
Steve :)
Barry wrote:

> Steve,
> You could use something along the lines of this... (Un-Tested)
> Create Proc TestProcedure
> As Begin
> Declare @.ID Integer
> Declare @.NewOrder Integer
> Set @.NewOrder = 1
> Declare OrderCursor Cursor For
> Select ID From tblNews
> Order By aOrder
> Open OrderCursor
> Fetch Next From OrderCursor Into @.ID
> While @.@.Fetch_Status = 0
> Begin
> Update tblNews
> Set aOrder = @.NewOrder
> Where ID = @.ID
> Set @.NewOrder = @.NewOrder + 1
> Fetch Next From OrderCursor Into @.ID
> End
> Close OrderCursor
> Deallocate OrderCursor
> End
> Go
> Although if it is a huge amount of Data and performance is an issue
> then I would probably not use a Cursor.
> Hope this helps
> Barry

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