Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Creating a Stored Procedure from 3 queries

Hi all,

Sorry for HTML, there is a lot of code & comments

I tried to create a stored procedure from 3 queries .. to reduce # of times DB gets access from 1 asp page. The result procedure only works 1/2 way (does return the rest of the SELECT statement) :(

Please help me figure out what stops it mid way?

I need it to return all the results from the SELECT statements AND the number of rows (ScriptsNo) from the count(*):
Here is my stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE csp_AuthorAccountInfo
@.CandidateID int,


DECLARE @.ScriptsNo int, @.ManuscriptID int

SELECT count(*) as ScriptsNo FROM Manuscripts WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE CandidateID = @.CandidateID

/* this is where it stops all the time :(
Theoretically speaking, next SELECT will only return 1 row with Candidate's info*/

SELECT c.*, l.LocationID, @.ManuscriptID=m.ManuscriptID, l.State, cn.Country
FROM Candidates c INNER JOIN
Manuscripts m ON
c.CandidateID = m.CandidateID INNER JOIN
Locations l ON
c.LocationID = l.LocationID INNER JOIN
cn ON
l.CountryCode = cn.CountryCode
WHERE c.CandidateID = @.CandidateID

/* next SELECT should normally return manu rows with Candidate's submitted manuscripts */

SELECT m.ManuscriptID, m.IsReceived, msn.StageName, ms.DatePosted, ns.Comments
FROM Manuscripts m INNER JOIN
ManuscriptStages ms ON m.ManuscriptID = ms.ManuscriptID INNER JOIN
ManuscriptStageNames msn ON ms.StageNameID = msn.StageNameID
WHERE m.ManuscriptID = @.ManuscriptID
ORDER BY ms.DatePosted DESC


A few points:

Check out for multiple record sets.

All three queries look like they should be combined into one, if not, you
will need to use a cursor.

Your second query is trying to set variables and also return a result set,
which is not allowed.

It is not good to use select * in production code.

I think you should also check for errors and add a SET NOCOUNT ON.


"Satvic" <> wrote in message
Hi all,

Sorry for HTML, there is a lot of code & comments

I tried to create a stored procedure from 3 queries .. to reduce # of times
DB gets access from 1 asp page. The result procedure only works 1/2 way
(does return the rest of the SELECT statement) :(

Please help me figure out what stops it mid way?

I need it to return all the results from the SELECT statements AND the
number of rows (ScriptsNo) from the count(*):
Here is my stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE csp_AuthorAccountInfo
@.CandidateID int,


DECLARE @.ScriptsNo int, @.ManuscriptID int

SELECT count(*) as ScriptsNo FROM Manuscripts WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE
CandidateID = @.CandidateID

/* this is where it stops all the time :(
Theoretically speaking, next SELECT will only return 1 row with Candidate's

SELECT c.*, l.LocationID, @.ManuscriptID=m.ManuscriptID, l.State, cn.Country
FROM Candidates c INNER JOIN
Manuscripts m ON
c.CandidateID = m.CandidateID INNER JOIN
Locations l ON
c.LocationID = l.LocationID INNER JOIN
cn ON
l.CountryCode = cn.CountryCode
WHERE c.CandidateID = @.CandidateID

/* next SELECT should normally return manu rows with Candidate's submitted
manuscripts */

SELECT m.ManuscriptID, m.IsReceived, msn.StageName, ms.DatePosted,
FROM Manuscripts m INNER JOIN
ManuscriptStages ms ON m.ManuscriptID =
ms.ManuscriptID INNER JOIN
ManuscriptStageNames msn ON ms.StageNameID = msn.Stage
WHERE m.ManuscriptID = @.ManuscriptID
ORDER BY ms.DatePosted DESC

GO|||Satvic ( writes:
> CREATE PROCEDURE csp_AuthorAccountInfo
> @.CandidateID int,
> AS
> DECLARE @.ScriptsNo int, @.ManuscriptID int
> SELECT count(*) as ScriptsNo FROM Manuscripts WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE
> CandidateID = @.CandidateID

It would probably be better to return the count as an output parameter:

CREATE PROCEDURE csp_AuthorAccountInfo @.CandidateID int,
@.ScriptsNo int OUTPUT AS

DECLARE @.ManuscriptID int

SELECT @.ScriptsNo = count(*) as ScriptsNo
FROM Manuscripts WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE CandidateID = @.CandidateID

And don't use NOLOCK unless you understand exactly what you are doing.

> /* this is where it stops all the time :(
> Theoretically speaking, next SELECT will only return 1 row with
> Candidate's info*/
> SELECT c.*, l.LocationID, @.ManuscriptID=m.ManuscriptID, l.State,
> cn.Country
> FROM Candidates c INNER JOIN
> Manuscripts m ON
> c.CandidateID = m.CandidateID INNER JOIN
> Locations l ON
> c.LocationID = l.LocationID INNER JOIN
> cn ON
> l.CountryCode = cn.CountryCode
> WHERE c.CandidateID = @.CandidateID

As John Bell pointed out, you cannot assigned variables and return
result sets in the same query.

And your comment that the SELECT would only return one seems a bit funny.
I don't know your tables, but if this row returns 1 row, then the
SELECT COUNT(*) always returns 1.

I don't know about your tables, but I would guess that a Candidate can
zero or more Manuscripts, in which case the above could return 0 or
more rows.

Since I don't know the data you are accessing, it is difficult to give
precise advice, but you should probably investigate the use of temp
tables and table variables.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at

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