Sunday, March 25, 2012

Creating a unique temp table.

Set Quoted_Identifier On
Set Ansi_Nulls On

Alter Procedure spReport_SomeFooReport
@.SearchFromThisDate datetime = null, @.SearchToThisDate datetime = null

Declare @.TableUniqueIdentifier varchar(80), @.SQLString varchar(5000)

set @.TableUniqueIdentifier = newid()
set @.TableUniqueIdentifier = 'Report_SomeFooReport' + @.TableUniqueIdentifier
set @.TableUniqueIdentifier = replace(@.TableUniqueIdentifier, '-', '7')
set @.SQLString = 'Create Table ' + @.TableUniqueIdentifier + ' (xxx varchar(40))'
exec @.SQLString

Set Quoted_Identifier Off
Set Ansi_Nulls On

the error is:
Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 12
Could not find stored procedure 'Create Table Report_SomeFooReport06EEEC8D7EA6A74D0178EDD79E999B (xxx varchar(40))'.

So may'be a format issue or something,
im trying to create "temp" tables for sql 2005 report services in my Stored procedures which would have a sql job to get deleted at 23:00This looks like Sql Server. If that's the case, try using

EXEC (@.SQLString)|||RedNeckGeek is right, the EXEC without the parentheses means you're calling a stored procedure.|||also, it's bad form to create permanent tables on the fly from sprocs.

If your database schema is well designed, there would be no need for this. Perhaps use a temp table instead?

Or use a single permanent table for all your reports since they all have exactly the same structure, with just a single column, xxx varchar(40). You could add another column to identify the report instance.|||I would like to know howyou plan to reference that table in the future|||I would like to know howyou plan to reference that table in the future

the only possible way I know of would be to return the table name as an out param from the sproc.

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