Hello all,
I am having a lot of trouble with stored procedures. Could anyone help me out.
I have a table which contains a number of meetings. What I want to do is search this table, get out all the meetings for today and put them in a seperate table meetings today.
I can select the values, and I can insert the values.
But how do I store the values so that i can pass the results of the select to the insert?
Im also having a lot of trouble with storing date values.
ANy help would be greatly appreciated.
Padraic Hickey
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[table2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [table2]
INTO table2
FROM table1
WHERE convert(varchar,table1.meetingdate,112)=convert(varchar,@.mydate,112)
Cheers Motley,
I was having a lot of trouble with that one.
If ever i can return the favour.
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